These terms and conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI whose head office is located in Vitry-sur-Seine and on the other hand, by any natural or legal person wishing to make a purchase via the website of « Frozen Garden » referred to herein. -after « the Customer ».
These general conditions of sale are intended to set the contractual provisions between Frozen Garden and the Customer and the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the Frozen Garden merchant site, whether the Customer is professional or consumer. The acquisition of a good or a service through this site implies an unconditional acceptance by the customer of these conditions of sale.
The items offered are those listed in the catalog published on the Frozen Garden website. These items are offered within the limits of available stocks. Each article is accompanied by a description prepared by Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI. The photographs of the catalog are as faithful as possible but can not ensure a perfect similarity with the offered article, in particular as regards the colors.
The online sale of the articles presented in the site is reserved for the buyers who live in Metropolitan France as well as abroad.
The prices listed in the catalog are prices excluded of VAT, taking into account the non-applicable VAT on the date of the order art. 293B of CGI; any change in the rate may be reflected in the price of the items. Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI reserves the right to change prices at any time, provided that the price listed in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only applicable to the Customer. Management fees are applicable on each product as well as, where applicable, delivery charges depending on the shipping method chosen by the customer.
The customer places an order on the website. To purchase one or more items, it must follow the following order process:
– Choice of articles and addition to the basket
Validation of the contents of the basket
Identification on the website or registration on the identification sheet on which he will indicate all the details requested
Choice of delivery method
Choice of payment method and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
Validation of payment
The customer will receive an order confirmation email.
The customer will be able to visualize during the order process the details of his order as well as his total price and correct any errors, before confirming it to express his acceptance.
Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI retains ownership of the items until full payment of the order, that is to say the collection of the price of the order by Frozen Garden.
Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute over the payment of a previous order. Any order implies acceptance of prices and descriptions of items available for sale.
Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI agrees to honor orders received on the website only within the limits of available stocks.
Payment of purchases is made via one of the following means, at the Customer’s convenience:
- By check *
- By WooCommerce via Stripe
- By credit card via SumUp
* In case of payment by check, it must be issued by a bank domiciled in France, and made payable to Alaminos Yasmine.
It is to send to Alaminos Yasmine. The ordered items will then be reserved 7 calendar days from the date of the order. After this deadline and failing to receive the check, Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI reserves the right to cancel the customer’s order. The check will be returned to him upon receipt.
The cashing is done upon receipt of the check.
Any order placed on the Frozen Garden site will be prepared and shipped within a maximum of three days, subject to payment validation.
Frozen Garden – Alaminos Yasmine Emmanuelle EI undertakes to deliver the orders placed by the Customer within the stipulated time. If said items have not been delivered within 7 days from the date of delivery specified in the order, and if the excess is not related to a case of force majeure, the Customer may proceed to the resolution of the sale, sending by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: Alaminos Yasmine, 29 Rue Gabriel Péri 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine. The sums paid by the Customer will be fully refunded.
The customer has a period of 15 working days from the date of dispatch of the order to signal non-receipt and request the resolution of the sale and refund of items. After this period, no resolution of the sale will be accepted.
The customer is required to check the good condition of the items delivered. Any anomaly found (missing item, damaged package, broken item …) must be indicated within 4 days of receipt.
All product returns must be the subject of a formal agreement between the seller and the purchaser.
En cas de litige entre le Client et l’entreprise, ceux-ci s’efforceront de le résoudre à l’amiable (le Client adressera une réclamation écrite auprès du professionnel ou, le cas échéant, auprès du Service Relations Clientèle du professionnel).
A défaut d’accord amiable ou en l’absence de réponse du professionnel dans un délai raisonnable d’un (1) mois, le Client consommateur au sens de l’article L.133-4 du code de la consommation a la possibilité de saisir gratuitement, si un désaccord subsiste, le médiateur compétent inscrit sur la liste des médiateurs établie par la Commission d’évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation de la consommation en application de l’article L.615-1 du code de la consommation, à savoir :
La Société Médiation Professionnelle
Alteritae 5 rue Salvaing 12000 Rodez